Friday, July 15, 2016

Pokemon Craze - from the spiritual perspective.

Update 20160723

Oliver has a similar idea ......

The Pokemon Go is all over the news over the last week in Australia and longer in the US. Yet more countries will follow soon shortly. I was out in the park for brief period of time over 4 days this week and saw some groups of people lurking - and realized, after hearing the news, that they must be playing the app. I was curious about the App and almost downloaded it, but was just to busy with other things.

Anyway, had a casual discussion with my relative and he alerted my to this, please have a read:

So after reading that, more thoughts grew in my head and I did more googling, and decided to share some findings here. A few other interesting links are here below. Note that the Pokemon cartoon is not new - has been around since 1997.
This is a very good article citing Biblical perspectives. There was no stretching of the Scriptures at all to argue the case against Pokemon, it was so plain and clear. It is easy to overlook some of these until it is pointed out.
I have not heard about this one until now. Does this bring up the idea of 'possessed'?

Now even for the non-Believer, here are some more thoughts.
1. It is creating an army of zombies out of the players.

Image result for pokemon go players

2. Real cases of injuries only starting....

3. Lure groups of people into one location - jackpot for robbers
Seriously, these are just small scale baddies. Extend this thought to, say Dr. Evil, who thinks on a much larger scale, with a more popular app.

4. Again on the larger scale, something that can be done with technology even a few years ago. Anyone who is familiar with X-Men, knows the story of Prof Xavier developing a technology that can help him pin point all the individuals. Essentially given a list of people with a certain profile, the technology is available to know exactly where on earth these individuals are at this point in time. This technology (smartphones) has been with us a few years now - not science fiction.

Pokemon Craze - from the spiritual perspective.

The Pokemon Go is all over the news over the last week in Australia and longer in the US. Yet more countries will follow soon shortly. I was out in the park for brief period of time over 4 days this week and saw some groups of people lurking - and realized, after hearing the news, that they must be playing the app. I was curious about the App and almost downloaded it, but was just to busy with other things.

Anyway, had a casual discussion with my relative and he alerted my to this, please have a read:

So after reading that, more thoughts grew in my head and I did more googling, and decided to share some findings here. A few other interesting links are here below. Note that the Pokemon cartoon is not new - has been around since 1997.
This is a very good article citing Biblical perspectives. There was no stretching of the Scriptures at all to argue the case against Pokemon, it was so plain and clear. It is easy to overlook some of these until it is pointed out.
I have not heard about this one until now. Does this bring up the idea of 'possessed'?

Now even for the non-Believer, here are some more thoughts.
1. It is creating an army of zombies out of the players.

Image result for pokemon go players

2. Real cases of injuries only starting....

3. Lure groups of people into one location - jackpot for robbers
Seriously, these are just small scale baddies. Extend this thought to, say Dr. Evil, who thinks on a much larger scale, with a more popular app.

4. Again on the larger scale, something that can be done with technology even a few years ago. Anyone who is familiar with X-Men, knows the story of Prof Xavier developing a technology that can help him pin point all the individuals. Essentially given a list of people with a certain profile, the technology is available to know exactly where on earth these individuals are at this point in time. This technology (smartphones) has been with us a few years now - not science fiction.