Thursday, March 12, 2020

Eucharist, Covid-19, Body and Blood of Christ

The following post may be a controversial subject, so there will not be any conclusion made at the end; rather it is left open to the readers to ponder.

It is among the Catholics belief that the Bread and Wine, also called the Eucharist, that are usually consumed at Mass, are actually transformed to become the real Body and real Blood of Christ. There are many quotes and writings on this, and this Wiki link may lead to much more details: The process of changing from Bread/Wine to Body/Blood of Christ is called 'transubstantiation'. The teachings does not explain how it occurs but accepts it as a mystery.

Recent pandemic (just declared by WHO today) of the Covid-19, has forced many public events or large gatherings to close. One type of such gatherings to close include churches, irrespective of Catholics or non-Catholics. In light of the spread of virus, and evidence to suggest that the virus spreads to anyone, believers and non-believers, Catholics and non-Catholics, it is understandable that some Catholic and some non-Catholic churches decide to cancel their weekly gatherings, including Mass.

Christ is the One and Begotten Son of God, who is now seated at the Right Hand of God the Father. His Body and His Blood is pure and holy, there is no corruption, meaning no decay. In particular, Christ is the First Born of the Resurrection, which means He has a Resurrected Body - it is this Body and Blood which has no decay nor imperfection. If Christ so chooses, he can physically be on Earth in the midst of Covid-19 and His Perfect, Resurrected Body will not be infected/affected by the virus.

The question to ponder for ourselves is that, if the Bread/Wine (Eucharist) become the Body/Blood of Christ, the virus would have no affect on it? Then if we were to consume the Eucharist, taking Christ Body/Blood into our own, we too will not be affected by Covid-19? Is this a fair reasoning? On the other hand, if people become infected after sharing the Bread/Wine, what are the implications to the sacred-ness of the Eucharist?